Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior
The movie opens with Shaymin as Dialga appears. Afterward, at the Distortion World Giratina sensations Dialga's presence, and warms up into the Life to catch him. Dialga drinks, just as Giratina's gateway opens up. Dialga is then dragged by giratina in to the Reverse World. Shaymin is also invisibly to the Reverse Globe. Since Dialga and Giratina fight, Zero finds the conflict within his boat. Shaymin absorbs a dark gas and uses"Seed Flare," ripping a hole at the Reverse Globe and escaping. Dialga fires a laser at Giratina, enveloping her in a time loop and trapping her. Since Dialga leaks, Shaymin drops to a river.