Gold Stone, the award winning new feature from Australian auteur Ivan Sen (Mystery Road), is now actually a complex and trendy crime thriller that explores topics of racism, human trafficking, police corruption, corporate malfeasance, and the trampling of native people's rights. On the road of a missing man, distressed native detective Jay Swan (Aaron Pedersen, Mystery Road) finds himself in the little mining town of Gold Stone, where he is arrested for drunk driving by local cop Josh (Alex Russell, CBS's"S.W.A.T."). When Jay's dinning room is blasted with gun fire, it becomes evident that something larger is at drama with. While fighting to overcome their mutual distrust, Jay and Josh find a web of crime and corruption, which contributes straight to town's cold-blooded may or (twotime Oscar nominee Jacki Weaver, silverlinings Playbook) and its own smarmy gold-mine director (David Wenham, Lord of the Rings).
Released: 2016-07-07
Duration: 109